5 técnicas simples para aapi convention new york city

5 técnicas simples para aapi convention new york city

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Second, the Convention shall be applicable with respect to the recognition and enforcement of awards made in the territory of another Contracting State only on the basis of reciprocity.

Although, the aforementioned judgements were in respect of anti-arbitration suits, they still have a significant impact on investment treaty arbitral awards brought for recognition and enforcement to India.

The website provides access to the case-law from a number of jurisdictions on the application of the Convention by domestic courts as well as information on the ratification of the Convention by selected States.

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As regards awards made in the territory of certain non-contracting States, the Romanian People's Republic will apply the Convention only on the basis of reciprocity established by joint agreement between the parties.

"Women doctors from an ethnic minority such as ours have to strike a fine balance between high performance and coping with family pressures. They have to always put in that extra bit even when they are top achievers," she told TIMESOFINDIA.

Develop programs and workshops that build relationships between funders, policy makers, and advocates that are timely and relevant to the Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) philanthropic community in New York City, especially programs that encourage communication across sectors and raise awareness of and funding for AAPI organizations.

In effect, these two judgements have rung the death knell for any enforcement action in respect of an investment treaty arbitration award brought to India as they have practically ruled out the applicability of the enforcement mechanism contained in Part II of the ACA to such awards.

"2. In accordance with article 1 (3) of the Convention, the State of Bahrain will apply the Convention, on the basis of reci- procity, to the recognition and enforcement of only those awards made in the territory of another Contracting State party to the Convention.

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Many of the 4.2 million members of the Indian diaspora here in the United States say they are stricken with panic, pain and grief. Many are volunteering to help.

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